
Danny Loeschen, Jeremy Quillo, Brian Holton, Miguel Monroy

Danny Loeschen, Jeremy Quillo, Brian Holton, Miguel Monroy

A brewery owner, two school teachers and a VP of business development all walk into a bar… 

Or in this case, it’s not a bar, it’s a basement (the basement doesn’t include a bar). Miguel Monroy lays down a drum beat. Danny adds a bass line on his sweet Rickenbacker. Brian chimes in with a guitar melody, shaping it with effects pedals. Jeremy brings in a second guitar riff and a vocal line, and a Some Swords song is born. This is how they like to write. There’s no singer-songwriter “I’ve come up with this whole thing, now you guys play along to it.” Instead, it’s four friends with four different musical backgrounds collaborating to make something that’s (hopefully) new and exciting. Like four superheroes combining powers to crush the villain (the villain being… bad music, maybe?). 

Assembling the band of heroes took a few years and a bit of convincing. Brian Holton (who also played in Of Asaph) partnered up with Miguel Monroy (who basically came out of the womb playing drums and even giving lessons). Much brainstorming about musical ideas as well as potential band members occurred. They approached Jonathon Mobley (former member of Elliott) to play guitar, Danny Loeschen (hardcore/metal fanatic and former member of The Parade Schedule) to play bass, and Jeremy Quillo (lyricist, vocalist, and self-proclaimed grammar snob) to sing. Jonathan exited the band in 2019, and Jeremy dusted off his guitar to fill in.

Some Swords has recorded one full-length album titled “The Eve of The End” (released on June 4th, 2021). The nine-song record includes all original material and was recorded in the Summer of 2020 at Sonora Studios in Floyds Knobs, Indiana. The band’s good buddy Tim Mobley created the album artwork, and other-good-buddy Corey Cottrell (Camp Chaos Recording) mixed the record. Mastering was done by Steve Wilson at Raise the Roof Recording Studio.

In addition to writing new material, Some Swords is gearing up to play some shows in 2021 at a theater near you. Or in this case, it’s a music venue (which may also be a theatre). Come find us.